Official Gmail Themes! WooHoo!

I have been Using Gmail Since it was first offered. And up until now, I am very impressed with their FREE service. You can Check their site for all the cool stuff they offer. I like the current Gmail Interface, it is very clean and straightforward, but I was hoping that I could do more or customize it a little bit… I could actually, using some third party tweaking tools… but I just don’t want to compromise my account just for the sake of aesthetics… That is why I just waited for this kind of feature to become official. Today my long wait is Over! Presenting, the Official Gmail Themes!
Cool Huh! So to all Gmailers out there, log-in now and Customize you account! And to all people who are stuck with their old email prooviders, check-out Gmail to see and feel the BIG difference! Sign-Up now! It is Fast and Free!
This Feature will be rolled out to all Gmail Users within 1 to 2 days… So don’t Worry if your account doesn’t have the feature yet :p
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Photos are Properties of Google Inc. (Gmail)
I’m loving it. It looks great!!
wow.. this is cool
Somebody said that the themes tab sits under setting. But I can’t find it on my gmail inbox…
Any other way to get to it?
Im an user who lives in UK.