New Year 2009 at the Mega Mansion

Another New Year’s Breakfast/Dinner at the Chiqui’s House. This is our second year doing this. I believe it is becoming a bit of a tradition.
6AM, New Years day, barely any cars on the streets, I am on my way to Alabang to meet up with my AIG friends for us to go to the mega mansion together.
We arrived at Chiqui’s Place at around 7AM. Before Eating, some chit-chat since Chiqui was on leave few days back.
This new year tradition would not be complete if we won’t see the Hyper Pug Ylmaz! The Star of the Noche Buena Feast If you can recall, last year, Ylmaz was on his Santa Clause costume. This year, he’s back, bigger more hyper than ever, he is on his Bee Costume 🙂
Time to eat!
After Eating… Picture na naman! :p
After Eating… Around 11AM.. Time to pack-up! :p
Thanks to Mega for another wonderful new year’s meal! Until Next Year! :p
By: Dennis Christian Angulo
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