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Manila Ocean Park

"WOW!!! may Ocean Park na sa Pinas! Mas malaki sa HongKong at Singapore!"


We were so exited to go to Manila Ocean Park, I mean Really! Who won’t get exited when you are bombarded with so many reasons to be… For starters, it is the first in the country, second, it is the biggest in Asia (as they say, bigger than HK and SG), and lastly, Media Frenzy! It is widely publicized, it is featured in all local channels, in the news, travel shows, lifestyle shows, morning shows, it is on the TV almost every day! Not to mention the print media and outdoor signs.. it is really everywhere! As a result, super excitement! Which is what we felt until we got there… Once you are there, you will realize that it is not as fun as you expected. First, there will be Pandemonium at the lobby, then a  Hot! Hot! adventure across the stations, and then a huge Sigh of Disappointment. Anyway, to give you an Idea of our experience, here’s a quick recap.




Well, I hate to say this but I am very disappointed. I think that at it’s current state, the MOP is very overrated. As we walk inside the MOP, we hear lots of complaints and ranting from the tourist, which included the Foreign Tourists. I think, given the fact that it is still in its soft-opening, that people should wait for the Grand Opening  in order not to feel dismayed.

Perhaps one reason why me and my friends felt so bad about the place is because we have already been to either Sentosa in Singapore or Ocean Park in Hongkong. There is already a point of comparison. But we would have felt less disappointed if it wasn’t for the super spectacular ads and features that we saw before actually getting in to the MOP. Or maybe we may have just expected too much from the place.

To sum it all up, As of now MOP still has no WOW! factor. We just have to wait and see. Maybe in 3 years time, it will be worth it. If it is your first time in a Marine Theme Park, there will probably a bit of amazement. I think that if you are really love the ocean and underwater creatures and does care how and where it is presented, you’ll probably still enjoy the experience. But if you are looking for something sophisticated and spectacular and if you are expecting something like the ones from SG and HK, you should probably wait of the Grand Opening. Maybe they will have something better to offer by then. If you haven’t been to MOP and dying to do so, don’ fret! It is not yet worth it.

Well, It’s just me! If you have any thoughts, feel free to comment! :p

For the complete set of pictures, visit

Until Then!
