My Romblon Adventure | Part 3 – Let’s go to the Beach!

Part 1 – How We Got There! | Part 2 – Nature Tripping!
Waking up wasn’t that easy especially after coming from a really long long day! But we were able to manage… Thank goodness!
It was time for breakfast… Owee cooked some fried rice… Which was not OILY at all!! Not at All… But it was good… We have to hurry breakfast because We will be fetch by out rented jeepney in an hour…
Another day, another adventure. This time, we are headed to the beach for some sun, sea, and sand. The Plan was perfect… We go to this resort and stay there for the whole day.. enjoying everything the island has to offer… but I guess Mother nature had some other plans! It was raining… and not just raining, the wind was blowing a bit a harder than the usual…. Talk about bad luck!
We packed an brought everything we need for our day at the beach… Food, Towels, Drinks, Etc… Then we were off…
But before going to the resort, we passed by the town market to buy some extra stuff… Also, I was told the day before by the motorcycle driver that they sell bibinka (rice cakes) in the market… I love Bibinka! Especially the one made form ground rice (not from flour)… So we stopped by the market to see if there are available bibinka during that time… And I was not disappointed!
So we were on the jeepney, and went on travelling to the other town where the beach resort was located. It was a 1-hour drive going to the town and once we got there, we will be riding a boat going to the beach resort…
And sure enough, after some bumpy ride along the sea, we arrived at the town where we were supposed to ride the boat… But… Since It was raining and the waves were quite furious… We were not able to ride one! Now What?!
Since We were not able to ride the boat going to the resort… we were told that there was another resort in the town, a nearby one (no boating required)… But it was not white sand compared to the other one… But… We don’t have a choice… So we went to this small resort in town… (Sorry but I wasn’t able to remember the name of the resort because during that time, I was quite pre-occupied with disappointment about not being able to ride a boat and go to the white sand resort!) And so we did check-in the resort.. They have these Small Native Rooms that we rented to have a place to keep our stuff…
The place wasn’t so bad… It has Huts, Tables, and It was in front of the beach. Although the sand wasn’t that fine or white… They have the basic facilities you’ll need… And… Hey Its The Beach! A place to Relax, Enjoy, and Have Fun! It was still early so I tried the bed… and Uhm… Doze off A little… :p
Me and Loyz had a little nap while the others try the beach and the waves… and when we woke up, It was already Lunch Time! Time to Eat Again! Now This is a vacation or what?! :p
After the Meal… It is Time to head off to the beach… The waves wasn’t that big that time compared to this morning… But is was still strong… Strong enough to push in the sands and small stones inside your undergarments! :p
After That dip… Or should I say, Splash… :p It’s time for some relaxation… So we played Cards.. and Eat… Again :p
Time passed and It was time to pack-up and head back home… but before heading home… We had some Stop over for some photo-ops :p Starting on the resort…
First Stop… On another beach along the way…
Second Stop… The Rice fields…
Third Stop… The Town’s Municipal Hall…
Fourth Stop… The Fish market… For some Fresh Dinner…
Fifth Stop… The Mini Grocery at the Town…
And finally… The Sixth Stop… The Bakery again to buy some brad for breakfast…
We arrived home at around 6PM… and Again, It was almost time for dinner..
So after shower and some rounds in the Magic Sing… It was dinner Time…
During our dinner, we were visited by a visitor… :p
After Dinner… It was time for some rest before going to bed… We passed the time by playing cards and then… It started… Telling of some “Horror” stories… It was a secret story so I can’t tell you :p But it was so scary for me… I can’t go to the CR at first and go to sleep alone, I have to wait for them to finish and I have to take some Benadryl to get to sleep faster :p I look so Hilarious! :p
After That horror session… It was time to end the day and have a good night sleep…
The next day was our last day… but our adventure wasn’t over :p Stat Tuned!
Part 4… The “Morning Walk”
By: Dennis Christian Angulo